In the quiet village of Sindh, a devastating fire recently left Jammu Masih (28 yrs) and his family grappling with the harsh realities of loss and despair. However, amidst the ashes, a glimmer of hope emerged as BACA, driven by compassion, extended a helping hand to rebuild not just a house but shattered lives.
VIDEO: Jammu Masih thanks BACA for helping his family restore their lives after a devastating fire.
On the ominous day of October 24th, Jammu Masih’s life took an unforeseen turn while he was diligently working on a farm, just three kilometers away from his modest mudbrick house. The heartbreaking news reached him through a sympathetic neighbor – his home was engulfed in flames, a victim of a sparking straw finding its way to the husky roof.
Upon receiving the distressing news, Jammu rushed back to his cherished abode, but the flames proved relentless. Even the valiant efforts of his compassionate neighbors, armed with meager buckets of water, couldn’t salvage the house or the possessions within. Everything Jammu had earned through years of hard work – clothing, kitchen utensils, rope beds, and even his savings tucked away in an iron chest – was reduced to dust.
As the embers still smoldered, a cruel blow came from an unexpected quarter – Jammu’s farm owner. While ostensibly expressing solace, the owner’s assistant offered no financial aid to cover the losses. Instead, a callous contract of servitude was presented, a mere £50 in exchange for Jammu’s labour. However, obviously, such a callous offer was straightforwardly rejected by Jammu who preferred to rely on his hard work and his faith in the Lord.
In the aftermath, Jammu found himself in a month-long struggle to provide for his wife and family. In the midst of adversity, he shared his plight with BACA. Responding to Jammu’s desperate situation, BACA have now provided vital financial support thanks to the generosity of our supporters.
The grant that we have provided enabled Jammu to begin the process of rebuilding his mudbrick house. Jammu Masih, overwhelmed with gratitude, expressed,
“Without BACA’s compassionate love, it could have taken me months to build a shelter for my family.”
On December 18th, a dedicated team, led by Evangelist Daniyal Masih, embarked on an 80-kilometer journey from Mari Khan to Ravtiani Stop in Sindh. Their mission: to restore not only tangible belongings but also the intangible sense of normalcy that the fire had mercilessly stripped from Jammu’s family. With BACA’s unwavering support, the family now possesses the essentials for daily life – a replenished kitchen, comfortable rope beds, blankets, and warm clothes. In a symbolic act of renewal, BACA gifted Jammu a new iron chest, a testament to the community’s commitment to rebuilding shattered lives.
Sajni Bibi, Jammu Masih’s mother, conveyed her gratitude, saying,
“I am thankful to BACA for all the help. God bless BACA abundantly.”
These words echo the sentiment of a family that, despite enduring a profound tragedy, found solace in the compassion and support offered by our donors, officers and volunteers.
Juliet Chowdhry, trustee for the British Asian Christian Association, shared, “The fire that ravaged the lives of Jammu Masih and his family should have set this beleaguered family back many years. However, Jammu Masih and his family never surrendered to despair or lost faith in God. Today, they stand as resilient in their faith as ever, with their possessions fully restored, thanks to the generosity of our donors. Opting for freedom over enslavement, they rejected a bonded labor contract. Now, they are hopeful that their children, attending school, can aspire to and live better lives in the future.”
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